20 feet down under, water crushing my eardrums, the insides of me collapsing under the massive hydraulic pressure… Unable to breathe and unwilling to die, I realized the absolute truth of life.Man has been around for 3,00,000 years now. He has supposedly spent most of it wandering barefoot in jungles. Either hunting or gathering for…
A destiny of choices
I’ve always held on to the belief that every opportunity and crisis in our lives boils down to a couple of choices. And what one chooses to do, maketh him. Put in simple words, our choices shapes our life. And that the problems in one’s life either makes him or breaks him, depending on what…
Shutter Island – Movie Review
The worst thing that can happen to a movie critic is that he cannot explain just how good a movie is without revealing too much of the plot. Martin Scorsese puts one in this exact difficult spot with his latest movie – ‘Shutter Island’.The story kicks off with the mystery of a missing patient from…