Thought Provoking | Mystery | Adventure INK (2009) is well conceived and equally well presented. Written and directed by Jamin Winans, this movie blends innocence, mystery and suspense in all the right ways to deliver an engaging and thought provoking watch. Having said that, INK (2009) may not appease everyone for it demands a certain…
Khiladi 786 (2012) – Movie Review
There are two reasons why Bollywood churns these no-brainer multi-starrer movies every 15 days. One is to make a lot of money and the other is to make a point – “Bloody hell, I can do it. So what are you going to do about it?” Khiladi 786 throws that question in your face right…
Talaash (2012) – Movie Analysis
*** This is not a movie review but an analysis with spoilers on the plot and the other nuances of movie experience. If you haven’t watched the movie and intend to do so, please skip reading this. *** There are two kinds of movies that the connoisseurs relish. The ones that awe you with a…